One of the most challenging aspects of marriage organizing is creating the guest list, particularly with right decorum in thinking. Susan Norcross, owner of Philadelphia’s The Styled Bride, and Jove Meyer, a New york city wedding planner, were asked to share their dos and do n’ts for navigating this crucial ( but stressful ) aspect of the big day.

Do n’t invite a visitor just because they are the bride’s or groom’s parents. If your parents are insistent on adding someone you do n’t want at your own wedding, try having a heart-to-heart conversation with them, even though it may seem common to say not to include anyone who is n’t invited to the parents ‘ wedding. Ask for their assistance in finding a solution and explain why you do n’t feel comfortable inviting them.

If you currently have a close connection with your or your girlfriend’s ceremony, please ask friends who have already attended your or theirs. However, if they are n’t a part of your daily life, you might be better off excluding them completely from the guest list, especially if their bonds have faded since their weddings. Be sure to let them know that they will be attending only the reception if you decide to invite them anyway, so they do n’t get upset and complain about not being invited to your ceremony.

Create an A and B list of guests, with your A-list being those you ca n’t imagine getting married without and your B-list being those you’d like to take a break from because of money or space constraints. If you have to eliminate people, you can prevent sadness or grief by keeping as many of your loved ones as possible.

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